unrefined oil

Sunflower oil

2023-07-03 11:52



Sunflower oil is a vegetable product obtained by pressing or extraction from oil-rich sunflower varieties. It is the most popular type of oil used in both cooking and cosmetics.

Sunflower is native to North America, and historical evidence indicates that the inhabitants of this continent used the oil for medicinal purposes and dyes as early as five thousand years ago. The plant was considered sacred, but was not artificially cultivated. It was brought to Europe by Spanish sailors in the early 16th century. The British played a significant role in improving the technology of oil extraction and received the first patents for its production. Today, sunflower oil is used in the food industry, medicine, cosmetics, agriculture and even for technical purposes.

In this article, you will learn about the main varieties, cleaning methods, areas of application of sunflower oil, its composition, its incredible benefits and the presence of contraindications to its use.
Unrefined sunflower oil can be bought from manufacturers from Ukraine at a bargain price AGROTRADE-2000.
Types of Sunflower Oil Sunflower oil is obtained through two methods: pressing and extraction.

The first method is more eco-friendly and helps retain a higher portion of beneficial substances, such as vitamins and antioxidants, in the final product. This is especially true for cold-pressed oil. Hot-pressed oil, on the other hand, is obtained by heating the seeds in ovens, resulting in a characteristic flavor reminiscent of roasted seeds. The extraction method involves the use of organic solvents. It is carried out in special extractors, where a mixture of oil and solvent, along with solid residue called "meal," is present. The oil is obtained through distillation and subsequent filtration. While this method is cost-effective, the nutritional value of the extracted product is significantly lower than that of mechanically extracted oil.

Raw (first-pressed) oil refers to cold or hot-pressed oil that undergoes simple purification, such as filtering or centrifugation. In cold-pressed oil, a large portion of vitamins and phytosterols is retained, but the technology does not guarantee consistent concentrations of these beneficial compounds. Hot-pressed oil involves heating the seeds up to 100 degrees, which leads to the destruction of a substantial amount of vitamins and phytosterols.

Based on the purification method, the following types of oil can be distinguished:

  1. Unrefined: Obtained through mechanical pressing with subsequent basic oil filtration. It possesses a pleasant aroma and a rich amber color. It is the leader in terms of the concentration of beneficial substances and vitamins. The shelf life of this oil ranges from 3 to 4 months.
  2. Refined: Produced from unrefined oil through a complete purification process. This type of oil contains a minimal amount of vitamins (it retains some vitamins E, A, K, and partial B and C, while phytosterols are entirely destroyed). The shelf life of refined oil is approximately 1 year.
  3. Hydrogenated: This product is obtained by treating unrefined oil with water, which helps remove proteins and phosphorus-containing components. Hydrogenated oil appears much clearer and paler than unrefined oil, and it retains more vitamins and other beneficial substances compared to refined oil. It can be stored for up to 6 months.
  4. Winterized: This type of oil can be produced from both unrefined and refined oil by removing waxes through freezing. This method prevents the product from clouding and sediment formation. Winterized oil is used in the preparation of dietary dishes and children's nutrition.
  5. Bleached: The oil undergoes an additional filtration process to remove carotenoids and waxes, making it a better choice for frying. It is the lightest of all existing oils.
  6. Deodorized: This type of oil has all components responsible for taste and aroma removed. It is widely used for frying.

Remember to choose the type of sunflower oil that best suits your culinary needs and preferences to enjoy its delightful benefits to the fullest. Happy cooking!